Personal Financial Planning


188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址财务规划公司的所有者可能会担心如何规划继任. Lean on the advice of your peers to ease into retirement.

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Dirk L. Edwards, Lori Luck, Ted Sarenski


3 months

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 Business & partner 
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Success with succession

As the owner of your CPA financial planning firm, 你可能会彻夜未眠,想知道如果你决定退休或减少工作时间,你的客户和员工将如何得到照顾. In this webcast, 你会听到188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址的财务规划师们采取不同的方式来建立接班人计划.

The experts will share their best advice on:

  • 他们走到现在的位置以及他们在继任计划中的位置
  • The steps they took to put a succession plan in place
  • 如果他们重新来过,他们会改变什么
  • What to consider when selling to an outside buyer
  • How money factored into decision-making
  • Their experience with attracting next-gen owners and partners
  • How they dealt with the emotional side of letting go
  • 当他们在继承后重新定义自己时,接下来会发生什么
  • Their best piece of advice as you take your next step forward

Key Topics

  • Succession planning in a CPA financial planning firm
  • The different options for finding a successor
  • 如何放手,朝着你想要创造的生活前进

Learning Outcomes

  • 确定188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址财务规划师为其客户和公司寻找接班人所采取的不同途径.
  • 在你的接班人规划之旅中,选择你想要采取的潜在步骤.
  • 认识到如何放手,朝着你想要创造的生活前进.

Who Will Benefit

  • Tax professionals who serve individual clients
  • 188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址理财规划师和其他专业理财规划师
  • Practitioners who provide tax, retirement, estate, investment, and/or risk management planning services

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More Details
NASBA Field of Study
Specialized Knowledge
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2 hrs
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Contact us
Dirk L. Edwards
Dirk L. 爱德华兹,188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址/PFS,法学博士,MBA在公司爱德华兹布拉德利个人电脑实践. His practice is devoted to the field of Personal Planning, serving clients throughout the United States, Western Europe and the Pacific Rim. 他是美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载个人财务规划执行委员会的前任主席,也是美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载PFP服务标准咨询工作组的现任主席和前任专员, AICPA National Accreditation Commission. 他是俄勒冈州注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载PFP委员会的前任主席, 是俄勒冈州律师协会和美国律师协会的成员. Mr. 爱德华兹在个人规划领域做了大量的演讲和写作.
Lori Luck
Lori Luck, CPA/PFS is co-founder of CLS Financial Advisors, Inc. 洛里认为,财务规划过程使我们每个人都能找到自己的道路, achieve our unique goals, and realize peace of mind. Lori喜欢倾听每个客户的独特故事,了解他们的生活, 她定制规划过程,以满足他们的个人需求和梦想. Lori began her career in public accounting as a CPA. 她获得了税务硕士学位,并在一家国际会计师事务所担任税务经理, Deloitte, Haskins and Sells. Later, Lori joined Schultz Group CPAs (formerly Schultz & Crouse, P.C.), where she was an owner from 1993-2019, 洛里还在波特兰大学教了两年会计学. 作为会计师事务所合伙人多年提供税务筹划服务, Lori co-founded CLS Financial Advisors, Inc., a registered investment advisory firm, and now focuses on financial planning and investment advising.
Ted Sarenski
"Ted created Blue Ocean Strategic Capital, LLC within a regional accounting firm in 1997 and in 2010, 购买了该公司100%的所有权,成为一家独立拥有的公司. 2007年加入Ted的凯文·范登伯格(Kevin VandenBerg)同时成为了合伙人. 泰德拥有超过30年的188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址经验和超过20年的财务规划师经验,这是蓝海高学历员工聚集的背景, 经验丰富的人组成团队,为纽约中部地区提供财富管理服务. 他在个人税收和遗产规划方面的丰富经验为财富管理带来了大多数其他地方资产管理公司所没有的维度. 泰德是当地和全国公认的财务规划咨询专家. He currently appears on WSTM-3, Syracuse’s NBC affiliate, 接听观众的电话,向观众提供规划概念,最近被美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载(AICPA)个人财务规划部提名为2010年杰出服务奖,以表彰他对行业相关出版物的贡献和在全国各地的演讲活动. 泰德在《188bet亚洲真人体育下载》上发表过关于财务规划的文章, The CPA Journal, The Journal of Taxation and the AICPA Wealth Management Insider. 他曾被许多出版物采访和引用,包括:今日美国, Consumer Reports, The Christian Science Monitor, Investment News, Kiplinger Personal Finance Report, Accounting Today and The Practical Accountant. Since 2005, 特德接受了全国数百家广播电台的采访,讨论了各种财务规划和所得税问题. 2009年,泰德就退休和社会保障问题接受了美国国家公共电台45分钟的采访."

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