Retirement Planning Certificate Program (Exam only)

Retirement Planning Certificate Program (Exam only)

专为从业者谁想要一个彻底的了解退休计划, 美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载的退休计划证书课程是一系列涵盖退休计划生命周期的课程, including planning for aging and chronically ill clients.

$145 - $229
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Susan M. Tillery, Tom Tillery


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Product Details

About the Personal Financial Planning Certificate Program

The Personal Financial Planning Certificate Program 是一系列涵盖个人理财规划核心领域的证书, including retirement, estate, risk management and insurance, and investment planning, and how tax planning relates to each area. 这个证书课程是教育和证书考试的结合,让你有机会提高你在特定学科的知识和展示能力.

This PFP certificate program offers three different options:

  • Certificate: 您可以在完成每次证书考试后获得数字徽章,以显示您在一个或多个核心领域的能力和理解, 在线监考考试,方便在家或办公室进行. 该证书提供可选的在线教育,为考试准备提供对材料的全面理解.
  • Education: If CPE is your goal, you can purchase the education, without the certificate exam, and simply earn CPE credit for your CPA license, PFS credential, and/or CFP® credential. If you hold the PFS credential, 没有必要参加证书考试,因为你的PFS证书考试会测试这些材料.
  • Credential: 如果你是一名活跃的188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址,想要获得PFS证书, 证书课程为满足考试和教育要求提供了另一种途径.

The Retirement Planning Certificate Program

退休计划证书课程是一个信息丰富、引人入胜的学习经历,将提高你在退休计划方面的知识. Part of the Personal Financial Planning Certificate Program, 该证书课程包括六个动态课程,涵盖退休计划生命周期的关键步骤, 包括针对老年人和慢性病患者的独特规划.

This series of courses include:

  • The Retirement Planning Process
  • Governmental and Employer Retirement Plans
  • Personal Retirement Investments, Income, and Expenses
  • Analyzing Client Retirement Data
  • Creating, Implementing, and Monitoring the Plan
  • Elder and Special Needs Planning

CPA, PFS, and CFP Continuing Education

这些课程符合188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址执照和PFS证书的CPE要求. In addition, it qualifies for CFP board CE credits. 当课程完成后,AICPA将每两周滚动向CFP董事会报告CE学分. 要报告您的CE,请完成以下步骤,因为没有自动馈送到CFP董事会:发送电子邮件至 with the following information: Name, CFP Number, 须呈报的结业证书副本及证书学时数目.

Exam Scheduling

收到您的购买确认电子邮件后的五到八个工作日, 我们将通过电子邮件向您发送考试通知(NTS),以便您在未来12个月内的任何时间安排参加考试的具体日期和在线监考时间或考试中心地点.

美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载拥有每位注册人的最新联系信息和电子邮件地址是非常重要的,因为您的电子邮件和邮寄地址将用于本次考试的所有通信. Log in to view or update your information.

Who Will Benefit
  • CPAs, financial planners, and qualified professionals with basic knowledge of, and interest in, personal financial planning.

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Contact us
Susan M. Tillery
CPA/PFS, AEP®(Distinguished)
Susan M. Tillery, CPA/PFS, AEP® (Distinguished), is president & CEO of Paraklete® Financial, Inc. Paraklete®提供综合的按服务收费的个人财务规划和虚拟家庭办公室服务, without asset management or product sales. 本公司作为金融服务®的倡导者,为客户提供严格的独立性和客观性. Susan也是Financial Planning Advocate的联合创始人和总裁, LLC, which provides continuing education for CPAs, financial advisers, universities, and colleges. Ms. Tillery’s experience at Harris myCFO, 在多家族办公室,她负责为富裕家庭开发和提供全面的家族办公室解决方案, together with her work at Arthur Andersen and Ronald Blue & Co provided the framework for Paraklete. 苏珊在乔治亚大学获得会计学士和硕士学位. She is a member of the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA), 佐治亚注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载(GSCPA)和亚特兰大遗产规划委员会. In addition, Susan is a member of the GSCPA Board of Directors, 曾任美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载个人理财规划执行委员会主席和美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载个人理财规划认证委员会主席. 苏珊是美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载2019年个人理财规划杰出服务奖的获得者. Ms. 蒂勒里是《188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址》一书的合著者, a textbook used by colleges and universities in accounting, business, and law graduate programs. 此外,苏珊还参与撰写了美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载个人财务规划证书课程. 该计划涉及个人理财专家(PFS)知识体系的所有领域. Successful completion of the program, with related experience, permits participants to obtain the PFS Credential. 苏珊经常就个人财务规划188bet亚洲真人体育下载发表演讲和写作, including CPAs and financial planning, virtual family offices, financial issues facing women, responsibilities of wealth, charitable giving, and stewardship. Susan and her family reside in Kennesaw, Georgia.
Tom Tillery
Thomas Neal Tillery, CFP®,AEP®(Distinguished), CLU®,ChFC®,CRPC®,LUTCF®副总裁 & CCO of Paraklete® Financial, Inc. Paraklete®提供综合的按服务收费的个人财务规划和虚拟家庭办公室服务, without asset management or product sales. 本公司作为金融服务®的倡导者,为客户提供严格的独立性和客观性. Tom也是Financial Planning Advocate的联合创始人和副总裁, LLC, which provides continuing education for CPAs, financial advisers, universities, and colleges. Tom earned an M.S. in Financial Services from the American College and an M.A. in education from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. 他是美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载(非注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载)和亚特兰大遗产规划委员会的活跃成员. 拥有超过30年的个人理财规划经验, 汤姆经常就个人财务规划188bet亚洲真人体育下载发表演讲和著述, including financial planning and tax advisory services, estate planning for the affluent, current retirement issues, working with investment advisors, and stewardship. Mr. 蒂勒里是《188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址》一书的合著者, a textbook used by colleges and universities in accounting, business, and law graduate programs. 此外,汤姆还参与撰写了美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载财务规划证书课程. 该计划涉及个人理财专家(PFS)知识体系的所有领域. Successful completion of the program, with related experience, permits participants to obtain the PFS Credential. Tom and his family reside in Kennesaw, Georgia.

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